Inactive Service

Service Not Yet Activated? 

The service you’re trying to view is currently inactive. This could be due to the service being under review, temporarily deactivated by the service provider, or pending approval. If you're searching for a similar service, we encourage you to explore alternative options on our platform.

This could be due to the following reasons:

  • Pending Verification: The service is awaiting approval by our team and will be activated soon.
  • Temporary Deactivation: The service provider may have temporarily paused this service.
  • Service Review: The service is under review for quality or compliance.

If you are the service provider trying to view your recently added services, please check your account to ensure all required steps for activation are completed before being approved by our verification team.

If you're a buyer or homeowner, you may want to:


Every registration must go through an approval process. Our Team checks the registration details to ensure that the information you provided is legitimate and protects against fraudulent accounts.  We strongly recommend our new members complete their user-profiles and submit all verification (Email, Phone Number, I.D) upon sign-up as this process can take time. While your profile may be "INACTIVE," you can still add additional information about yourself. Once your user profile has been approved and verified by our Team, your profile will appear in our platform's search results.

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