Lives in | Gwinnett County |
Hosting since | February 14, 2022 |
Services Type | Airbnb Co-host |
Response Time | 1 Hour |
Rating | |
Languages |
English |
Virtual Co-Host
% 5% Per Booking
Interview Service Fee  ($5)
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Hi, my name is Siti.
I have been a private Airbnb co-host for 2 years, working with my eldest sister to manage all her properties, from booking to greeting to welcoming to renting some properties. With that experience, I have learned and gained multiple skills, such as communication, management, analysis, and thorough background checks on all guests or tenants. I would love to have this opportunity to show my virtual and in-person management skills.
Browse through an array of specialized services tailored to your needs.
No complaint plan that would assist the property owner in easing the stress of operating multiple properties, as a co-host is available 24/7 to help your guest.
We welcome guests, update calendar & pricing, restock essentials & supplies, create new listings, handle online reservations, check out with guests, coordinate house cleaning, and review guest basics.
This local Co-Host package is in Snellville, Lawrenceville, Stone Mountain, Five Forks, Grayson, Buford, and Decatur. Contact me for more information.
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