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If you suspect scams or fraudulent activity on CoHostMarket, follow these steps to protect yourself and report the issue:
Do Not Engage: If you receive suspicious messages or offers, do not respond or share personal information. Scammers often try to elicit sensitive details or prompt you to take immediate action.
Report the User: Use the “Report” button on the user’s profile or message to alert our team. This helps us identify and investigate potential threats quickly.
Provide Detailed Information: When reporting, include as much information as possible, such as usernames, message content, and any links provided. This helps our support team conduct a thorough investigation.
Contact Support: If you need further assistance, reach out to our support team with additional details. We are here to help and can provide guidance on protecting your account.
Stay Informed: Familiarize yourself with our guidelines on identifying scams. Be cautious of offers that seem too good to be true or require upfront payments.
Common Scam Indicators:
We take scams seriously and are committed to maintaining a safe community. Your vigilance and reports help us take appropriate action and protect all users.
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