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Welcome to HostPro Market! Before you can start offering your services on our platform, you'll need to create and activate your seller account.
- Navigate to the top-right corner of the webpage and click on "Log in".
- Select "Become a Member" from the pop-up menu, followed by "HostPro".
- Complete the form presented to you to finalize your sign-up process.
- You'll be redirected to your dashboard where you'll find the "Profile Creation" option.
- Fill in all mandatory fields marked with a * (an asterisk), ensuring the information regarding your training, working experience, and skills is accurate and true.
- Optionally, link your account to your social media channels to enhance your credibility.
- Rest assured, all the information you provide remains confidential and is utilized to help foster a trustworthy environment and potentially bring you more business opportunities.
- To add an extra layer of security and authenticity, it's mandatory to verify both your phone number and ID at the end of the onboarding process.For phone verification, refer to our guide: "Verifying Your Account Using Your Phone".- For ID verification, ensure that your profile completion rate is above 85%. Upon meeting this requirement, you can then upload your ID proof for verification. Remember, this step is crucial for processing payouts.- Learn more in our guide: "Verifying Your Account Using Your Phone".
- The final stride in activating your seller account is setting up your first gig.
- For guidance on creating a compelling gig, refer to our tips and advice in "Creating a Gig" section
Remember, providing detailed and truthful information enhances your seller profile, setting a solid foundation for your success on HostPro Market.
We look forward to having you as a part of our community. Good luck!
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