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What information do I provide if I'm affiliated with a company on HostPro Market

If you are affiliated with a company and register as a freelancer on HostPro Market, you are required to provide the following details, which are kept private and not displayed on your public profile:

Company Name

rovide the official name of the company you are associated with. This is used internally for verification purposes and adds an additional layer of professional authenticity to your account.

Company Number

If your company has a registration number, especially for those registered in the USA, include this in your information. It's used for internal verification and to ensure compliance with legal and platform guidelines.

Tax Compliance

For freelancers based in the USA, completing a W9 tax form is mandatory. This is in accordance with tax laws and is essential for processing any payments and maintaining tax compliance.

Privacy Assurance

Be assured that these details are for internal use only and will not be displayed on your public profile. They are collected to verify your professional background and ensure compliance with our platform's standards and legal requirements.

Separation of Individual and Company Profiles

It's important to note that your individual freelancer profile on HostPro Market remains distinct from your company affiliation. This separation allows you to offer personalized services as an individual professional, even if you're part of a larger organization.

Why This Information Matters

Providing your company affiliation details helps us maintain the integrity and professionalism of our platform. It ensures that we offer a trustworthy environment for both service providers and clients.

Remember: providing accurate and complete company information is an important step in setting up your freelancer profile on HostPro Market, especially for ensuring compliance and credibility in a professional marketplace.

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