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At Hostpro Market, we've established a structured warning system to maintain the integrity and professionalism of our platform. This system serves as a corrective measure, ensuring that our community upholds the platform's standards.
Here's a breakdown of how the warning system operates:
Upon the first violation of Hostpro Market’s terms of service or community guidelines, the account holder receives an advisory warning. This is essentially a reminder to familiarize oneself with, and adhere to, the platform's rules to prevent future infractions.
If an account holder repeats the same violation for which they've already received a warning, the account will face a temporary restriction. This serves as a more stringent reminder of the platform's policies.
If an account holder commits a different violation after the first warning, the account will still be subject to temporary restriction. This is to emphasize the importance of comprehensively understanding and following all of Hostpro Market's guidelines.
Upon receiving three warnings for any combination of violations, the account will be temporarily restricted. During this period, the account will undergo a review process by the Hostpro Market team to assess its future on the platform.
It's essential for all users to be proactive in understanding and adhering to Hostpro Market's guidelines. The warning system is in place not as a punitive measure, but as a mechanism to ensure a harmonious, professional, and trustworthy community.
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