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At Hostpro Market, we prioritize maintaining a secure and productive marketplace for all our service providers and clients. In line with this, we have established regulations to govern user conduct on our platform. This article outlines the potential reasons for account suspension and explains the two categories of suspension that exist on Hostpro Market.
Why might an account be suspended on Hostpro Market?
An account might be suspended on Hostpro Market for various reasons, including but not limited to, violations of our community standards or terms of service. The objective is to foster a safe and positive environment for all our users.
What are the types of account suspensions on Hostpro Market?
Temporary Restriction
Under this category, the account undergoes a review period during which:
What might lead to receiving a warning or account suspension on Hostpro Market?
Accounts may receive warnings or face suspension due to a range of violations including, but not limited to:
Incomplete Profile or Missing Mandatory Information: All profiles should be filled out with accurate information. Failing to provide mandatory details can lead to warnings or account suspension.
Sharing Contact Details: Sharing contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or any other direct communication links openly on your profile or in chats is prohibited to maintain the security and privacy of our users.
Attempting to Transact Off the Platform: Engaging in transactions outside the Hostpro Market platform is a serious violation as it undermines the integrity of our marketplace and can lead to account suspension.
Non-Responsive Behavior: Not responding to buyer requests promptly, or at all, reflects poorly on service providers. Consistent non-responsiveness can attract warnings and possibly lead to account restriction.
Excessive Order Cancellations: Canceling orders too frequently can lead to warnings, disrupting the smooth operation of services on the platform and hindering the trust-building process between service providers and clients.
Receiving Numerous Low Ratings or Complaints: Accumulating a high number of low ratings or receiving numerous complaints from buyers may signal unsatisfactory service delivery. This can lead to warnings, with the potential for account suspension if the issue persists.
We urge all users to adhere strictly to the Hostpro Market terms of service and community guidelines to maintain a healthy, trustworthy, and professional working environment. Service providers can build a prosperous and long-lasting relationship with their clients on Hostpro Market by working responsibly and respecting the platform's rules.
Permanent Suspension
How does the warning system work at Hostpro Market?
The warning system operates as follows:
What happens during the temporary restriction review period?
During the review:
Why does Hostpro Market employ a warning system?
Hostpro Market is committed to educating its users on the platform’s rules and fostering a community where all service providers and clients can thrive. The warning system is a tool to inform and guide users on maintaining standard practices and avoiding repeated offenses, which might lead to removing their account from the marketplace.
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