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Absolutely! While the standard consultation length for our Platinum and Elite members is capped at 40 minutes, you have the opportunity to broaden your scope with our "Consultation Extension Add-Ons." These add-ons are specifically designed to extend your consultation duration, enabling you to offer sessions that range from 60 minutes up to 300 minutes.
These extensions are not just about adding more time; they also come with additional benefits that enrich the consultation experience. For instance, our add-ons include features like Translated Captions, which make your services accessible to a wider, international audience, and an AI Companion Assistant, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your sessions.
By availing of these add-ons, you can tailor your consultations to suit more extensive and in-depth discussions, accommodate more participants, and offer a more robust and versatile service. Whether it's for detailed strategic planning, comprehensive training sessions, or thorough advisory services, these extensions provide the flexibility to meet the diverse needs of your clientele on CoHostMarket.
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