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Promoting Company Information in the Homeowner's Profile

Can Homeowners Promote Company Information in Their Profile?

Learn about the restrictions on promoting company information in homeowner profiles.

CoHostMarket prohibits homeowners from promoting company information in their profiles. This includes adding business names, websites, or contact details. Our platform aims to provide a fair and unbiased marketplace where service providers and homeowners can connect based on service quality and reviews, not external promotions. Violating this policy can lead to profile removal or other actions as per our Terms of Service.

Why This Policy Exists:

Fair Marketplace:

  • CoHostMarket is committed to maintaining a fair and transparent marketplace. Allowing the promotion of company information in homeowner profiles can create an unbalanced environment where some users might have an unfair advantage.

Focus on Service Quality:

  • The primary goal of CoHostMarket is to connect homeowners with the best service providers based on the quality of their services and genuine reviews. By restricting promotional content, we ensure that decisions are made based on merit rather than marketing.

Protecting User Experience:

  • Allowing company promotions can clutter profiles and detract from the essential information that homeowners and service providers need. Keeping profiles clean and focused on relevant details helps improve the overall user experience.

Consequences of Violating This Policy:

  • Profile Removal: If a homeowner’s profile is found to contain promotional content, it may be removed from the platform.
  • Account Suspension: Repeated violations can lead to account suspension or permanent banning from CoHostMarket.
  • Loss of Access: Violating this policy can result in the loss of access to ongoing or completed transactions and other platform features.

For comprehensive guidelines, please visit our Profile Policy page.

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