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Using The Terms "Property Manager" Vs. "Airbnb Co-Host" For Unlicensed Providers

The terminology you use to describe your services as a service provider is essential to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. If you are not licensed as a property manager, we recommend using the terms "Co-Host" or "Airbnb Co-Host" rather than "Property Manager" or "Property Management Package" when promoting your services.

In some jurisdictions, using the title "Property Manager" may require specific licensing or certification, and using the term without the proper credentials could lead to legal consequences.

By using the terms "Co-Host" or "Airbnb Co-Host," you can accurately describe the services you offer without misrepresenting your qualifications or violating any regulations.

Always research and understand the specific rules and requirements in your city or region to ensure you are in compliance with all applicable laws. Consulting with a legal advisor or local authorities can help you determine the appropriate terminology for your particular situation.

By staying informed and following the proper guidelines, you can confidently offer your services as a co-host or Airbnb co-host in your area.

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