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At CoHostMarket, we are committed to maintaining a high standard of quality and professionalism in our marketplace. To uphold these standards, our verification team meticulously reviews every profile to ensure it meets our established criteria and adheres to our terms of service. This is a manual process designed to foster a secure and trustworthy platform for all our users.
The duration for this approval process can vary based on the subscription plan you have chosen.
Here’s what you can expect:
For users on the Standard subscription plan, the approval process can take up to 3 working days. We encourage users to use this time to review their profiles and ensure that all the necessary details are accurately filled in, meeting the platform's standards.
Users under this subscription tier benefit from expedited approval, with profiles being reviewed within 48 hours. Our team works round the clock to facilitate quick approvals for our Premium subscribers, helping them to start offering their services as swiftly as possible.
A common reason for delays in profile approval is the lack of complete profile information.
Ensure that your profile is fully filled out with all necessary details, including a professional profile picture, a comprehensive description of your services, and any relevant certifications or qualifications. Incomplete profiles can delay the approval process.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this verification period. Rest assured, this process is designed to build a safe and reputable marketplace that facilitates successful collaborations.
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