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Our marketplace offers two distinct pricing options for service providers to better cater to their unique preferences and business models: the One-Time Package and the Commission per Booking Fee. Here, we will explain the differences between the two.
This option involves a single, upfront payment that covers a specific set of services offered by the service provider, such as virtual assistance or one-time job assignments. Clients opting for this package will pay a one-time fee, granting them access to the agreed-upon services without any additional charges or commission fees.
In contrast, the Commission per Booking Fee is a pay-as-you-go model where the service provider receives a percentage of the revenue generated from each booking they facilitate. This pricing structure allows for more flexibility, as the service provider's earnings are directly tied to the number of bookings they secure.
By offering both the One-Time Package and Commission per Booking Fee options, our marketplace aims to accommodate the varying needs and preferences of our clients, ensuring a seamless and mutually beneficial experience for both service providers and customers.
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