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At CoHostMarket, we offer two primary payment options for service providers, each with its own commission fee structure: One-Time Payment and Percentage-Based Commission.
This option is typically used for services such as virtual assistant services, online consultations, listing creation, and optimization. The commission fee for one-time payment services varies based on the service provider's subscription level:
This option is generally applied to local or full property management services. The commission fee is a percentage of the rental income generated by the service provider's performance. The exact percentage and payment terms are agreed upon between the homeowner and the service provider. Payments for this option are made directly by the homeowner to the service provider, usually on a monthly basis.
Flexible Payment Options: Service providers can choose the payment option that best suits their service offerings and business model.
Security and Transparency: Our platform ensures that all transactions are secure and transparent, providing peace of mind for both homeowners and service providers.
For more detailed information, refer to our Terms & Conditions.
If you have any further questions about our payment processes or commission fees, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team is always here to assist you.
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