Fee Structure for Global Experts

Understanding Fee Structure for Global Experts on HostPro

Welcome to HostPro, the platform designed for global experts to offer a variety of online services, consultations, and digital products. This page provides a detailed overview of the fee structure for our Global Expert members, including service fees and available add-ons.

Online Services and Online Consultation Commission Fees

HostPro applies different service fees depending on the type of service offered:

  • Basic Members20% commission fee for all online services and online consultations.
  • Platinum Members15% commission fee for all online services and online consultations.
  • Elite Members: 10% commission fee for all online services and online consultations.

Add-Ons Available for Global Experts

Global Experts can purchase add-ons to enhance their visibility and extend the length of their online consultations. HostPro offers a variety of add-ons to help Global Experts increase their visibility and optimize their service offerings:

Visibility Boosts:

  • Feature a particular service on the homepage.
  • Feature a particular service in one main category.
  • Feature a particular service in the blog section.
  • Feature a particular service in the co-host profile suggestions.

Zoom Consultation Length Extensions:

Extend the length of online consultations with Zoom beyond the standard duration to accommodate client needs and increase potential revenue. Options include:

  • Maximum 120 minutes per consultation.
  • Maximum 180 minutes per consultation.
  • Maximum 240 minutes per consultation.
  • Maximum 300 minutes per consultation.

Automatic Renewals

All monthly subscriptions for HostPro are set to auto-renew by default. If you do not wish to renew your membership, you must cancel the renewal by logging into your account, navigating to Dashboard > Account Settings > Membership, and clicking "cancel renewal" before the next billing cycle. 

Note: All add-ons are one-time payments and do not auto-renew.

Ensuring Transparency

At HostPro, we are committed to ensuring that our Global Experts fully understand the fee structure and feel confident using our platform. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team or visit our Help Center.

By understanding the fee structure and utilizing available add-ons, Global Experts can maximize their opportunities and optimize their success on HostPro.

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